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   The Naked Housewife™ - There are Rules

Date: June 23, 2018

Naked Housewife Fail!

I put my tank top on before I was done spraying Clorox Cleanup - picked a couple tiny spots which I will ignore! Fits right into the print. What happened? I leaned into the damp counter... My Bad!

RULE 1: When using Clorox or other bleach in the kitchen -- you should be naked.

Other rules we forget.:

RULE 2: Actually, you should be naked for any housework.

RULE 3: You should be home alone. And not expecting anyone.

RULE 4: The drapes and blinds should be closed.

RULE 5: You should be in full "I am leaving the house looking human" make up including false eyelashes.

False eyelashes and red (think cock-sucker red) lipstick. I like smoky eye shadow and black eyeliner. I am not into flase eye lashes so I just use a lot of mascara.

RULE 6: DO NOT open the door to FedX, UPS, the mailman. It messes up their schedules.

RULE 7: PINK Rubber gloves. Not yellow.Not Blue. As you can see - she sent me special ones for Christmas.





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